First aid when traveling with children

First aid when traveling with children

Most illnesses that children get when traveling are due to changes in climate, diet, and environment. You can often treat yourself without medical help. If in doubt, however, it is advisable to consult a doctor. If necessary, ask your tour guide or the hotel for the address of a doctor. You may also get help from cleaning services such as شركة تنظيف كنب بجدة.

Common illnesses in children when traveling

  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Skin abrasions
  • Insect bites
  • Earache
  • Travel sickness
  • Sunburn
  • Burns and scalds



Be especially careful that your child drinks a lot. You can also make a drink yourself that replaces the missing sugars and salts.

In the case of diarrhea remedies from the pharmacy, you must read whether they are also suitable for children.


Drink plenty of fluids and give antipyretic drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.  In countries where there is a risk of malaria, a doctor should be consulted if suspected.

Skin abrasions

Disinfectant wound with healing ointment. There are disinfectants on the market that sting less on wounds.

Insect bites

Cooling, antipruritic gels, stitch healers, and poison evacuators help with insect bites.



When flying, children often have earache shortly before landing because the pressure compensation in the middle ear is not working properly. You can help your child if you give them chewing gum or make them drink in small sips. Yawning also helps. If your child has a cold, you should give them decongestant nose drops beforehand.

Travel sickness

The medicines from the travel pharmacy against motion sickness for adults are also available in doses for children – they are even available in the form of chewing gum.


Cooling gels and skin cream can help. Do not go into the sun the next day and use a higher sun protection factor in the future!

Sea urchin spines and injuries from jellyfish should not be rinsed off with fresh water, but with saltwater.

Burns and scalds

Immediately cool under cold water for at least 10 minutes. Larger burns should definitely be presented to a doctor.

After the journey

If your child is not completely symptom-free after the travel, you should definitely have a follow-up examination carried out by the pediatrician. If the child has received medical treatment during the trip, a follow-up examination should always be carried out at home.
