11 Crucial Things To Check On Your Car Before Traveling

11 Crucial Things To Check On Your Car Before Traveling

For those of you who plan to bring a car to travel long distances, in addition to physical preparation (for those who drive), you are also required to check the condition of the car to avoid danger. The condition of the car doesn’t just include the car’s physical body that’s obviously well kept with car shinning products. Checking the condition means checking the entire system of the car, inside and out.

How to Check Your Car Before a Long Road Trip

Here are 11 important things you should check on the car before a long trip.

  1. Air radiator. Make sure the car radiator water is in full condition and the reservoir water is up to the level limit, no need to be too full. Also, check the condition of the radiator hose and connecting the hose to the reservoir. If you encounter a bulging or cracked hose, replace it immediately to avoid breaking the hose in the middle of the road. Also, make sure the hose connection to the engine and to the radiator is tight enough and does not leak.
  2. Gasoline Filter and Hose Conditions. Make sure the fuel hose does not experience cracks or leaks. Also, make sure the gasoline filter is not clogged. Well, especially for you who routinely perform vehicle regular service, usually the gasoline filter is in clean condition. But, there’s no harm in staying checked, right?
  3. Machine oil. There should be enough engine oil. Use the oil stick to check the level of the oil. It should be the L and F marks of the oil stick. If it is lacking, add enough. Ensure the time limit (kilometers) of your oil usage is still adequate.
  4. Cooling Fan or AC rotation. Check the physical condition of the fan and the belt. Replace anything cracked before travel. When using electric motor, ensure that the motor is still running good.
  5. Battery. Check the battery pole bolt and clean the battery pole from dirt or sticking crust. Also, check the battery water level. If it’s not enough, just add it with pure battery water. But remember, avoid filling the battery water with zuur water (H2S04) so ​​that the quality of the car battery is maintained.
  6. Timing Belt. Replace the timing belt based on the speedometer. Replace timing belt if speedometer shows a 50,000 km run.
  7. Brake. Check brake fluid level, the brake system (look for hose leaks), and brake master. If inside the wheels is wet, it could be that the wheel cylinder has some leakage.
  8. Air filter. Air filters or air filters should be cleaned before traveling long distances. The use of filter water is based on a distance of about 10,000 km.
  9. Tire. Check the condition of the tire, physically and tire pressure. Car tire pressure is normally around 30-34 psi.
  10. Lamp. Check the overall condition of the car lights. Make sure all lights can function and light normally. If there are lights that die, you should immediately replace it.
  11. Wiper. This is very useful when driving in the rainy season. Make sure the windshield wiper can function normally. If you still have doubts about the correct inspection method, you should take the car to an authorized garage or automotive repair shop.

Going on a long drive to blog, for work, or just to capture good videos of scenic views, for some, is peaceful and relaxing. While there are many dangers on the road, you can minimize this by following basic maintenance and car check before jumping behind the wheel.
