Modifications of San Jose’s Most Perilous Roads Receive Federal Funding

Modifications of San Jose’s Most Perilous Roads Receive Federal Funding

Bay Area motorists have demonstrated a vital need for a towing company san jose plying vehicles with 24-hour round the clock service of extending a lifeline to road safety in case of emergencies.

dangerous winding roadSan Jose is known for having dangerous roads that have become increasingly perilous during the past years. The 9.6 mile Monterey Road transit corridor for one, which stretches from Keyes St. to Metcalf Road has seen numerous serious vehicular accidents.
Records show that in 2021 alone, traffic accidents that took place along the transit corridor resulted in the demise of seven people. Monterey Road is a long and vast road originally built as a highway for the purpose of easing out traffic and allowing motor vehicles to move quickly across San Jose.

Federal Funding to Address Modification of Some of San Jose’s Most Dangerous Roads

The good news is that last December 2023, the city received a federal grant amounting to $12.9 million to fund infrastructure projects that aim to make San Jose’s most perilous roads safer, not only to motorists but also to bikers and pedestrians.

road needing modificationThere is an apparent need for protected bike lanes and at the same time for increasing accessibility of roads to pedestrians. The infrastructure projects intend to build an elevated bike path as a means of separating bikes and pedestrians from motor vehicles.

Aside from the Monterey Transit Corridor, the East Santa Clara Street at 11th St. and the Capitol Expressway at Senter Road will receive modifications as part of the projects that will be funded by the recently awarded grant.

The Importance of Knowing a Reliable Towing Company to Call

When travelling, drivers rely on the performance and integrity of their vehicles; but no amount of planning can prepare motorists from uncertainties. That is why nowadays, most drivers, especially those who pass through San Jose’s most dangerous roadways such as the State Road 138 and Interstate Roadways 5, 8, 10, 15, 60 and 80, know of a reliable towing company in San Jose.
C & S Towing for one, operates round the clock to render various services such as flat tire replacement, battery replacement, emergency roadside services, car lockouts, fuel delivery and emergency recovery. This San Jose company is also available for non-emergency towing services and transport needs such as transport of equipment, long distance or local haulage. Operating 24 hours daily, all calls are answered and technicians will be deployed as soon as possible.
