With the development of domestic tourism, motorists increasingly choose to travel by driving.
In addition to road romance, such trips save money. The main thing is to prepare the car for a long journey and be prepared for various unexpected problems.
Checking the engine
A car won’t go anywhere without a motor. If in doubt about the condition, sign up for a diagnosis. Check the attachment and fuel system as well. Do this in advance so that you have time to repair the faults found. Refuel only at proven gas stations. Don’t forget the battery. Know where they are sold in the place where you live.
Diagnostics of the brake system, suspension and steering
The second point in a big deal is checking the brakes, steering systems and suspension. This is especially true after our winter, changing roads to holes. They loose the suspension and knock off the correct wheel alignment.
Checking the condition of the wheels
Pay close attention to the condition of the tires when inspecting the undercarriage. If the wear is large, then the partitions will begin to wear off, which means it is time to change the wheels. Old rubber, even if it was not used much, gradually crumbles and cracks appear on the rim. At speed, a tire tired of life can simply burst.
Evaluation of the level and quality of liquids
During your visit to the workshop, check the working fluids. Do not forget to take engine oil with you if the engine loves to “eat up” it. If you need to change it, then do it before the vacation so as not to waste time later. Special attention is given to brake fluid. it must be changed prophylactically. Twice a year will be enough.
Do not forget about the “washer” so that you do not look for it later. Before long trips, it doesn’t hurt to check the air conditioning system. If the air conditioner does not cool enough, there is a leak or some other problem, fix everything in advance.
Preparation of the body and interior
Preparing a car for a trip also includes an assessment of the condition of the body and external parts of the car. Make sure that all vehicle lights are working properly. Adjust the light so that it doesn’t blind other drivers if you know in advance that you will have to drive at night.
For long journeys, you need to prepare the car interior for the trip. The safety of all your companions is of the utmost importance. Be sure to check the serviceability of each seat belt. If you are traveling with children, make sure you have special devices for transporting babies. Make sure all door openers and interlocks are working.
Necessary and sufficient
In addition to personal belongings, put together a special car kit with the essentials on the road before the trip. The main ones in it will be: a jack, a key for wheel bolts, a compressor for inflating tires, fuses of various types, spare lamps, a towing cable and wires for “lighting”. Stored for a long time and will help out a lot, take medicine with you these must be mandatory.
Safety on the way
A long trip takes a lot of energy. Sleep well before the trip, take a contrast shower. Don’t count on coffee and energy drinks. They have a temporary and often imaginary effect. Vigor quickly disappears, and fatigue takes its place. Put safety first, and if you need to rest, take the time to park and in the case your car breaks down, hiring a towing service can help. It is better to leave in advance or arrive later, but get there without incident.