Smartshopper Pet Care: Tips Before Departure

Smartshopper Pet Care: Tips Before Departure

Do you want your four-legged friend to not feel upset about the trip? If so, do not feed your dog any more than 12 hours before departure. You should offer dogs fresh water at every rest. If the dog starts panting or yawning on a winding route, give the animal something to swallow or chew. On mountain routes, it can be due to pressure in the ears.

Smartshopper pet care: Maintain feeding habits while on vacation

If your pet regularly eats a certain food, then you should leave this with it even on vacation. Take enough of it with you if there is no guarantee that you will get the product at your holiday destination. It is good to check pet care reviews at smartshopper before travelling.

There are dogs and cats that have a fairly varied diet. For them, however, the change in diet can also be a problem. You should first get used to the changing climate and only then to the changed food. So, at least take something with you for the first few days. Dry food is also good to take away. If your pet is not used to this, initiate a period of getting used to it 2 weeks before departure.

Smartshopper pet care: Small portions at hot temperatures when travelling

Hot temperatures in summer also put a strain on the animal’s circulation. You should therefore reduce the portions so that your pet does not have to waste too much energy on digestion. For a snack on mountain or hiking tours, the pet care industry offers wonderfully packaged bags that you can easily stow in a backpack.

Smartshopper pet care during the travelsmartshopper

Never give dry food without water.

To avoid trouble, do not use the hotel or landlord’s dishes to feed your pet.

Keep the feeding place itself clean. Give the meal outdoors if possible.

Don’t forget the can opener or use food that pops “without”.

Make sure that your animal does not eat on the street during travel. In some countries,  they often lay out poison baits for stray animals all year round. If your animal has a changed nature or a changed feces, you have to consult a veterinarian immediately.
