Before Travelling Again, Read This

Before Travelling Again, Read This

With the world beginning to ease out the quarantine status due to Covid-19, some of the life’s typical activities are starting to get back to normal. Of course, with social distancing still in place. Nonetheless, going to tourist spots via car or via plane is slowly going back to operation or what is now called as the “New Normal”. While you are busy with your travel itinerary, make it a point that your house is clean from viruses which you can easily do by hiring professionals from شركة تنظيف كنب بجدة.

Moving forward, if you are serious of rescheduling your trips, then it is important that you get your facts straight to have a safe travel despite the pandemic.

Safety First

As per the CDC or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is strongly recommended to still maintain safe protocols when you are out and about. These protocols are as follows:

  1. Keeping a safe distance of at least 2 meters or 6ft between you and other people whenever possible
  2. Avoid making contact with anyone sick
  3. Set limits with the frequently touched surfaces including but not limited to kiosks, elevator buttons, handrails and so on. If ever you have to touch these said surfaces, immediately use a hand sanitizer or better, wash your hands.
  4. Don’t forget to wear face mask
  5. Refrain from touching your mouth, nose and eyes
  6. Cover sneezes and coughs
  7. Clean hands frequently. This is more important after you go to the bathroom before you eat and after you sneeze, cough or blow your nose
  8. Wash hands often with water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds
  9. If there’s no soap and water available, then a hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol level will do. See to it that it covers the entire surface of your hands and rub hands together until it feels dry

Familiarize Yourself with Local Restrictions and Requirements

Depending on the country or state you plan to visit, they may have specific restriction or requirement that has to be met. It is essential that you have made yourself aware of these policies because it will save you from unintentionally violating the law of the place, which creates unwanted repercussions too.
